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ア. It is cold. You want something to make you warm. What will you buy?
イ.Emi’s school will have a sports festival this month. Students answered a question about their most favorite sport. The most popular sport was dodgeball. Volleyball was chosen by 13 students, and basketball was chosen by 40 students. Which is Emi’s school?
ウ. You need to go to Midori Park next Saturday. You have to arrive there at 10:30 a.m. It is 20 minutes from your house to the park. What time will you leave home?


Today I want to tell you about my dream. I’ve wanted to be the best snowboarder in the world since I was a child. Last winter, I went to America to improve my snowboarding skills. I saw many great snowboarders there. I was very surprised because they practiced snowboarding harder than I did. I respected them. So, I practice it every day. I want to snowboard at the Olympics and get a gold medal someday.
ア.What did Kate talk about?
イ.When did Kate go to America?
ウ. Why did Kate respect many great snowboarders in America?

ア.What did Kate talk about?
イ.When did Kate go to America?
ウ. Why did Kate respect many great snowboarders in America?

ア. 1.About her family. 2.About winter. 3.About her dream. 4.About her town.
イ. 1.She went there today. 
  2.She went there when she was a child. 
  3.She went there last summer. 
  4.She went there last winter.
ウ. 1.They got gold medals. 
  2.They practiced harder than Kate. 
  3.They went to some countries. 
  4.Their dreams came true.



Lucy:My family likes to go camping, so we went to the mountain last summer.
Mr.Sato:How was it, Lucy? I guess it was nice.
Lucy:Of course, it was nice. I saw a lot of beautiful stars in the sky at night.
Question:What did Lucy do last summer?

Mr.Sato:Hi, Lucy. You look sick. What’s wrong?
Lucy:I have a headache and feel cold.
Mr.Sato:That’s too bad. You may have a cold. You should go home and go to bed.
Question:What will Lucy say next?

ア. 1.She enjoyed camping with Mr.Sato.
  2.She saw many stars on TV. 
  3.She invited Mr.Sato to camping. 
  4.She went to the mountain with her family.
イ. 1.OK, I will. 
  2.OK, you should.
  3.Let’s go to our school.
  4.Go to bed.


Hi, everyone. You have only a few weeks before graduating. I remember all the school days I’ve had with you. My best memory is enjoying the English classes with you. Your English is getting better. So, I want to ask you. What will you do to improve your English in high school?



The most popular sport was dodgeball. Volleyball was chosen by 13 students, and basketball was chosen by 40 students.を参照


Today I want to tell you about my dream.を参照。
Last winter, I went to America to improve my snowboarding skills.を参照。
because they practiced snowboarding harder than I did.を参照。


My family likes to go camping, we went to the mountain last summer.を参照


(例)I will read many books written in English.

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